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» Año 2009:


L. Lapointe, Y. Le Borgne and P. Nadeau,
A normalization formula for the Jack polynomials in superspace and an identity on partitions
Electron. J. Comb. 16, #R70 (2009).

D. Bravo and L. Lapointe,
A recursion formula for k-Schur functions,
J. Comb. Th. A. 116, 918--935 (2009).

E. Emsiz, E. M. Opdam and J. V. Stokman ,
Trigonometric Cherednik Algebra at Critical Level and Quantum Many-Body Problems,
Sel. Math., New. Ser. 14 (2009), 571-605.


E. Trofimchuk, P. Alvarado and S. Trofimchuk,
On the geometry of wave solutions of a delayed reaction–diffusion equation,
Journal of Differential Equations, 246 (2009), 1422–1444.

A.F. Ivanov and S. Trofimchuk,
Periodic solutions and their stability of a differential-difference equation,
Proceedings of the 7th AIMS International Conference (Arlington, Texas, USA), DCDS Supplement 2009, pp. 385-393.

M. Gaczkowski, P.Gorka,
Harmonic functions on metric measure spaces: convergence and compactness,
Potential Anal. 31 (2009), no. 3, 203--214.

Campanato theorem on metric measure spaces,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 34 (2009), no. 2, 523--528.

Logarithmic Klein-Gordon equation,
Acta Phys. Polon. B 40(2009), no. 1, 59--66.


P. Birkner, N. Thériault,
Faster Halvings in Genus 2,
Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5381, 1--17, 2009.


Icaza G, Núñez L, Marrugat J, Mujica V, Escobar MC, Jiménez AL, Pérez P, Palomo I (2009)
“Estimación de riesgo de enfermedad coronaria mediante la función de Framingham adaptada para la población chilena”.
Revista Médica de Chile 137(10): 1273-1282.

Mujica V, Leiva E, Rojas E, Díaz N, Icaza G, Palomo I (2009)
“Discordancia en autopercepción de peso en población adulta de Talca”.
Rev Méd Chile 137(1): 76-82.

Palomo I, Jaramillo J, Alarcón M, Gutiérrez C, Moore-Carrasco R, Segovia F, Leiva E, Mujica V, Icaza G, Díaz N (2009)
Increased concentrations of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and soluble CD40L in subjects with metabolic syndrome.
Molecular Medicine Reports 2(3):481-485.

Palomo I, Gutierrez C, Alarcón M, Jaramillo J, Segovia F, Leiva E, Mujica V, Icaza G, Diaz N, Carrasco-Moore R (2009)
Increased concentration of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and fibrinogen in individuals with metabolic syndrome.
Molecular Medicine Reports 2(2):253-257.


Patrick Desrosiers,
Duality in random matrix ensembles for all Beta,
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 817 (2009), Issue 3, p. 224-251.

H. Maeda, M. Hassaine and C. Martinez,
Lovelock black holes with a nonlinear Maxwell field,
Rev. D 79, 044012 (2009).

C. Duval, M. Hassaine and P. A. Horvathy,
The geometry of the Schrodinger symmetry in gravity background/non-relativistic CFT,
Ann. Phys. 324, 1158 (2009).

E. Ayon-Beato, G. Giribet and M. Hassaine,
Bending AdS Waves with New Massive Gravity,
JHEP, 029, 05 (2009).

H. Gonzalez, M. Hassaine and C. Martinez,
Thermodynamics of charged black holes with a nonlinear electrodynamics source,
Phys. Rev. D 80, 104008 (2009).

E. Ayon-Beato, A. Garbarz, G. Giribet and M. Hassaine,
Lifshitz Black Hole in Three Dimensions,
Phys. Rev. D 80, 104029 (2009).

Instituto Matemática y Física - Universidad de Talca - Camino Lircay S/N, Campus Norte, Talca - Chile