Conference on

Quadratic Forms in Chile 2018

8th -12th of january 2018


As is good tradition for the Chile conferences on quadratic forms, we will
have one entire free day (wednesday 10th of january) for which we offer
two excursion options, to show you the beautiful landscape that the region
around Talca has to offer.
We would kindly ask a small individual contribution of 15.000 CLP (roughly 25 US Dollars)

from those who join one of the excursions.
There are two options:

There is the full day trekking option:

A guided trekking tour of 4h in the Parque Tricahue, followed by a stop at the Arco Iris water falls. I addition to good hiking gear and sun protection, you may consider to bring along

a bathing suit.

And then there is the half day vinyard option:

– A visit to one or two nice vinyards (Casa Silva one of them) in the countryside near Talca with
picknick and a wine tasting,

If you are interested in participating in one of those activities on wednesday 10th of january,
please reply to this mail, indicating which one you would like to
participate in (so we can plan for the transportation).

Also remember to bring along the respective gear: Solar protection
(hat) and hiking boots for the trekking option (+jeans for the horseback variant), and a good mood (+ a good liver ?) for the vinyard option.


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