Proyectos MathAmSud: 

Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Epiemiological model with age and spatial structures

Algebraic structures supported on families of combinatorial objects

Proyectos ANR: 

ALCOHOL Algebraic Combinatorics of Hikes on Lattices

Proyectos EPSRC: 

Combinatorial Representation Theory: Discovering the Interfaces of Algebra with Geometry and Topology

Proyectos Fondecyt Regular:

Stability, waves and spikes under the delayed logistic type growth

Representation theory and algebraic combinatorics

Simultaneous embedded resolutions and mu-constant deformations

Representation theory of certain diagram algebras arising in Lie theory

Macdonald positivity and m-symmetric functions

(Spinning) Black holes and other classes of solutions in theories of (modified) gravity

Mathematical spin-off from quantum integrable particle models

Some problems concerning diagram algebras

Witt kernels and function fields in characteristic two

Traveling waves and recurrent solutions in applied models with delayed effects

Representation theory and special functions

Hardy-Sobolev inequalities

Mathematics around a Quantum Integrable Particle Model on the Lattice

New physical and combinatorial aspects of the theory of symmetric functions in superspace

Jucys-Murphy elements in cellular algebras

Combinatorial Hopf algebras and higher operations

Spaces of m-jets of Hypersurface singularities and their deformations

Rationally integrable vector fields and algebraic T-varieties

Traveling waves in delayed and non-local systems

Representation Theory of Cherednik Algebra

The combinatorics of symmetric functions in the supersymmetric and affine settings

Operads on the associahedra: applications to homology and generalisations to other families of graphs

Bayesian Inference for Measurement Error Models and Applications to Multiple Discrete-continuous Choice Model

Gradings related to Young’s seminormal basis

Topics in Functional Differential and Difference Equations

Representation theory, geometry and combinatorics of Cherednik algebras

 Differential Hopf algebras and operads

Invariants of fields of characteristic p>0 and quadratic forms

Development and application of general methods for solving random matrix models

Pieri and expansion formulas for MacDonald spherical functions and polynomials

Black holes with conformal and phantom sources. Supersymmetric Chern-simons Theories

Regular lattices, extreme forms and fundamental domains

A combinatorial theory of affine schubert calculus

Algebra and higher degree forms

Representation theory of diagram and related algebras

Algorithmic aspects of algebraic curves in cryptography 

Some aspects of dynamics in time-delayed negative feedback systems 

Discrete integrable particle systems

Bayesian inference and sensitivity analysis for measurement error models


Proyectos Fondecyt de Iniciacion: 

Vector fields on affine T-varieties

Singular Sturm-Liouville equations

Stability of resolvent families and applications

Combinatorics of graded k-Schur functions

Generalized blob algebras and Soergel bimodules


Proyectos Fondecyt Postdoctorado:

The combinatorics of Macdonald polynomials in superspace.

Combinatorics of diagonal coinvariant spaces.

An approach to rational uniformity conjecture via T-varieties.

Mecánica cuántica deformada sobre superficies curvas y búsqueda de auto-consistencia en gravedad semi-clásica.

Diagram algebras, towers of Temperley-Lieb algebras, Markov trace and cellularity..

On orthogonal polynomials and integrable systems

Beta-Ensembles in random matrix theory

Analytic aspects of the representation theory of involutive algebras

Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with fraccional Laplacian


ANID Anillos:

Redes de colaboración para anillos de investigación y núcleos científicos milenio:


Concurso de Atracción de Capital Humano Avanzado del Extranjero, Modalidad estadías cortas, MEC:

Fortalecimiento de los programas Magíster y Doctorado en Matemáticas en las Universidades de Talca y del Bio-Bio.

Fortalecimiento del área de análisis en los programas de postgrado en matemática en la Universidad de Talca.

Fortalecimiento de las áreas de álgebra y combinatoria en los programas de postgrado en matemáticas de la Universidad de Talca.

Fortalecimiento del área de Geometría Algebraica de los programas de postgrado en matemáticas de la Universidad de Talca.

Fortalecimiento de los posgrados en matemática en las áreas de análisis, ecuaciones diferenciales y teorías de operadoreres.

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