
Conference on

Quadratic Forms in Chile 2018

8th -12th of january 2018

{Conference Schedule}

The conference will last from monday morning, january 8th 2018 until friday night, january 12th 2018 after the conference dinner (cena de despedida).

 schedule   abstracts of talks


{Lista de Participantes}

{Main speakers}

Click here to download List


Eva Bayer-Fluckiger (EPFL, Switzerland) 
Wai Kiu Chan (Wesleyan University, USA)
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène (U. Paris Sud, France)
Daniel Krashen (University of Georgia, USA)
David Leep (University of Kentucky, USA)
Guillermo Mantilla (U. los Andes, Colombia)
Alexander Merkurjev (UCLA, USA)
Raman Parimala (Emory University, USA) 
Jean-Pierre Tignol (UCL, Belgium)
Giancarlos Urzúa (PUC, Chile)
Alexander Vishik (University of Nottingham, GB)


Send a mail to with the subject line «conference registration». Indicate your name, status and affiliation, and whether you are interested to contribute a talk (with tentative title). 
International participants please also indicate if we should help find accomodation (which dates? travelling alone?), especially whether you are interested in a special offer (40.000 CLP per day single room, 50.000 CLP per day double room) at the main hotel for the time of the conference ( 


{How to get to Talca}

Participants arriving to Santiago airport on sunday 7th, send us your flight numbers at your earliest convenience. This way we will organize the transfer from Santiago to Talca, and it also allows us to react in real time to delayed arrivals. 

If you arrive prior to Sunday, 7th of January 2018 to Santiago (or afterwards), you can get in contact with us if you want our help in organizing your travel (by bus) to Talca. The transfer from Santiago Airport will NOT make a detour through Santiago (and getting from Santiago first to the airport outside the city in order to join our transfer would be more time- and money consuming than getting a regular bus from Santiago to Talca) 


We offer assistance for non-Chilean residents in finding and reserving accomodation that is conveniently located with respect to the conference venue. Other than the aforementioned room reserve four star hotel Ecohotel (with special offers for international participants), we can also help in finding housing for smaller budgets, such as cabins for doctoral students, for example. Simply ask us.


Karim Johannes Becher (U Antwerpen, Belgium), David Grimm (USACH, Chile), Detlev Hoffmann (TU Dortmund, Germany), María Inés Icaza (U Talca, Chile), Maximiliano Leyton (U Talca, Chile), Alvaro Liendo (U Talca, Chile).





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