Coloquio 16 Octubre 2013
Expositor: Miles Jones (JOINT work with Sergey Kitaev and Jeff Remmel)
Institución: UTAL
Miércoles 16 de octubre de 2013.
16:00-17:00 hrs.
Resumen: Ver archivo.pdf
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Expositor: Miles Jones (JOINT work with Sergey Kitaev and Jeff Remmel)
Institución: UTAL
Miércoles 16 de octubre de 2013.
16:00-17:00 hrs.
Resumen: Ver archivo.pdf
Expositor: Andrew Bakan (a joint work with St. Ruscheweyh and L. Salinas)
Institución: Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev.
Jueves 10 de octubre de 2013.
16:00-17:00 hrs.
Resumen: «We shall talk about new integral representations and new properties of polylogarithms discovered recently. In particular, it will be told that polylogarithmic functions map every open disk one-to-one onto a convex domain provided that the disk does not intersect the ray [1, + oo ).
Expositor: Agustín García
Institución: Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina.
Miércoles 9 de octubre de 2013.
16:00-17:00 hrs.
Resumen: Comenzaremos la charla con las definiciones y conceptos básicos sobre álgebras de Hopf. Enunciaremos algunos resultados conocidos de clasificación y finalmente discutiremos una estrategia para la clasificación de las álgebras de Hopf punteadas a través de deformaciones por cociclos.
Expositor: Gunnar Magnússon
Institución: : Institut Fourier, Université Joseph Fourier, Francia.
Jueves 25 de julio de 2013.
15:00-16:00 hrs.
Resumen: Let X be a compact Kahler manifold of dimension n and let K be its canonical bundle. The abundance conjecture says that the Kodaria dimension of X is equal to the numerical dimension of K If true, this provides an equality algebraic and cohomological objects. In this talk we will produce an example of a non-Kahler manifold on which the abundance conjecture fails. Our example is an echo of earlier ones of Ueno, whose relevance to this conjecture was somewhat overlooked since the abundance conjecture hadn’t been made when they were constructed. We will start by a quick discussion of the abundance conjecture and its place in complex geometry. Next we will review a few details of the geometry of Kahler manifolds with trivial canonical bundle, then construct the examples themselves and prove they have the required properties.
Expositor: Anatoli Ivanov
Institución: Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Jueves 19 de julio de 2013.
12:00-13:00 hrs.
Expositor: Marta Perez-Casany
Institución: Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España
Viernes 5 de julio de 2013.
12:30-13:00 hrs.